Friday, October 30, 2009

Spell check your English subtitles!

Most of JAG's viewers are not going to know both Spanish and Farsi in addition to English. But when your English subtitles contain spelling errors, you have to start wondering what else might be wrong language-wise with the show. That's what happens in the eighth season JAG episode "Pas de Deux." Around time index 16:40, the Arab terrorists in Paraguay are subtitled saying something about "missles" (I'm guessing that's how the subtitler pronounces the word "missiles"). They're speaking Farsi.

Just a tiny bit earlier, they speak Spanish with Gunny Galindez (Randy Vasquez). The conversation concerns some drugs he just delivered on behalf of a local bad guy. The terrorists don't want to pay Galindez just yet, and they reassure him "You'll be dealt with," according to the subtitles. Actually, that doesn't sound terribly reassuring. With my limited understanding of Spanish, what the terrorists actually tell Galindez is "Te vamos ha cuidar," which translates better to "We'll take care of you." I guess that with the budget the producers couldn't spring for a Spanish consultant. I have to wonder what mistakes there might be in the subtitles for the Farsi dialogue.

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