Monday, October 5, 2009

You forgot your wife used to be Jeffrey Tambor, Joe!

The show: Medium
The episode: "Who's That Girl," first aired this past Friday on CBS.
What happened: Ariel (Sofia Vassilieva) begins acting strangely, and Allison (Patricia Arquette) is convinced that her daughter has been taken over by the spirit of the recently deceased Elena who is hell-bent on exacting revenge on her killer. Allison tells her husband Joe (Jake Weber) about this. His response: "Knock it off!" Joe doesn't take Allison's claim about Ariel seriously until after finding some money missing from his sock drawer (which Ariel/Elena used to buy a gun with) and getting a strange response from Ariel regarding her birthday.
Why it makes no sense: You would probably react with the same incredulity the first time you're confronted with the idea of someone close to you being taken over by the spirit of a stranger. But for Joe DuBois, this is not exactly the first time body/soul transference affects his family. In the episode titled "The Man in the Mirror," first aired this past May on NBC, Allison's soul found its way into the body of a man named Todd Emory (Jeffrey Tambor). Joe was understandably incredulous at first, but eventually he was able to let Todd/Allison stay in his house. So why is it such a big leap for Joe to accept that some other soul could occupy Ariel's body? And did the writers think no one who watched the show on NBC would watch it on CBS? I don't recall the first new episode aired on CBS making any effort to re-establish the basic premise of the show as if it was something new to the viewers.

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