Friday, October 16, 2009

Al Roker's dereliction of duty

How many times on the Today show does Al Roker ask some guest or audience member a couple of questions and then says "That's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods." Often at that point, he has said absolutely nothing pertaining to the weather around the country! Thus, he's depriving the local weatherman from making a smooth transition or at least elaborating on some generality of national weather. For example, if Al Roker were to say something like "It's snowing across much of the Midwest," the weatherman from Green Bay, Wisconsin could say something like "That snow won't get here until tomorrow" and go from there. Instead, local weathermen must resist the temptation to say "I will actually tell you something weather-related now."

This morning the true scope of Al Roker's dereliction of duty was brought into sharp relief when Natalie Morales tried to do Al Roker's job! She tried to cue him to say something about the rain across most of the nation, but he instead just said his catchphrase to turn it over to local weathermen.

They need to fire Al Roker. Or maybe give him a job that's better suited to his temperament. The job of national weatherman isn't that hard. You don't even have to get the national weather right. It's up to the local weathermen to go from the national picture to the local picture. No one holds the national weatherman accountable if his map has rain or snow over a larger area than it should. Give the job to someone who's not too lazy to paint some broad strokes of the national weather picture.

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