Friday, March 19, 2010

I've got swine fever

Last year, when it was declared that swine flu should be called "H1N1" instead, cynics were ready to say that the CDC had capitulated to the meat industry. I'll admit that I was among those cynics. However, a seemingly prescient Season 4 (2004 - 2005) episode of Scrubs reminded me that swine flu is nothing new and that technically it's more correct to say "2009 H1N1" than "swine flu."

When Clay Aiken guest-starred on the episode titled "My Life in Four Cameras" as a hospital cafeteria worker on the brink of getting a pink slip, the most recent health panic was over SARS. The episode begins with J. D., Turk and Carla at home, when they catch on TV the announcement of an E. coli outbreak, causing them to groan as they correctly foresee Sacred Heart Hospital will be overrun with TV-susceptible hypochondriacs. Dr. Cox asserts that many animal-named flus can only be obtained by fornicating with the animal the flu is named after. Swine flu is one of the flus Dr. Cox gives in his list.

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