Monday, March 15, 2010

Meet the Stewie who loves funky fruit hats!

In last night's new episode of Family Guy, Brian's questioning of Stewie that the old baby still watches Jolly Farm deserved a better answer, for after all, at the end of "Road to Europe" (a pre-cancellation episode), Stewie declared: "The Stewie who loved Jolly Farm is dead." I wonder if the writers felt any need to explain why Stewie is watching Jolly Farm again in order to set up the story of the American version of the show, or if they simply assumed that no one watching last night would remember "Road to Europe."

However, the writers did feel the need to pre-emptively nitpick the contrivance of Karina revealing herself to really be Stewie on a live broadcast of the show, by having Brian ask why that is and having Stewie respond: "Convenience." And this is not a nit, but let me just say that Stewie's falsetto voice as Karina was one of the most grating and unpleasant things on Family Guy in recent memory.

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