Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jay Leno likes gruesome screensavers

So the White House has decided not to release the gruesome photos of Osama bin Laden with bullet holes in his head. Plenty of jokes that could be made there, like maybe alluding to the birth certificate scandal and how some people still refuse to believe that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

But the 'joke' that Jay Leno chose to make on the Tonight Show last night was this: "How many of you wanted to make that your screensaver?" And he raised his own hand as he asked that. There's no accounting for taste, I suppose. My reaction, if I ever got to see those photos, would be either:

a) "I'm convinced the bastard's dead, I don't need or want to look at that again." OR
b) "That looks fake. Let me look at it again just long enough to find the Photoshop seams."

NOT c) "Ooh, let me look at that guy's ugly face made even uglier by violence every time I leave my computer alone for more than a few minutes!"

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