Thursday, May 12, 2011

The inconsiderate dirty man

Have you seen those commercials for Viva paper towels in which a very dirty man shows up to his parents (or grandparents?—I'm not sure) and he dirties everything in his path? Luckily, the old folks are ready with Viva towels to clean up the mess. But why should they have to?

The inconsiderate dirty man even has the gall to touch a single piano key and get that dirty, too! If you come to my house all dirty and unavoidably soil only those things directly on your path from the front door to the shower, maybe I can forgive that. But if you deliberately dirty other things you didn't absolutely have to, then maybe I should never again let you come into my house.

Ad guys, go back to the drawing board with a better scenario for needing your product.

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