Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I created a thousand jobs, he lost a thousand jobs

No one disputes that jobs are a very important issue in Michigan for this coming election. Understandably, each gubernatorial candidates will try to present himself as the magic bullet cure for unemployment.

Virg Bernero has made his message about job creation a little clearer but its factuality remains open to dispute. Not surprisingly, one Bernero ad on TV claims that Rick Snyder, while at Gateway, allowed major downsizing to happen at that company. Instead of countering that with some kind of explanation, the Snyder camp has responded with an ad claiming that the unemployment in Lansing (the city Bernero has been mayor of) has skyrocketed to 88%.

Now, in one of Snyder's own ads, the "tough nerd" also lays claim to creating jobs, though avoiding the political pitfall of saying exactly how many. The point of this newer ad is to explain that Michigan lost so many jobs because the business tax is just so gosh darn high. For an outsider, Snyder sure sounds like an inside Republican: the answer to any question is always to cut taxes for businesses and the wealthy. I remain unconvinced that cutting business taxes guarantees that businesses won't cut jobs.

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