Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A note about nitpicking Medium

We've gotten a number of comments, both publicly and privately, that psychics are not real and that that is a major nit for the show. But we can't count that as a nit because Allison DuBois being psychic is the fundamental premise of the show. If you can find an episode that flatly contradicts the basic premise of the show, that would be different. In fact, that would be nitpicker's gold.

When you watch a show, you have to accept its fundamental premise, at least while you're watching. Otherwise, why watch that show? So with Star Trek we accept that humans can (or will be able to) travel faster than light without suffering the relativistic side effects predicted by Einstein, with Knight Rider you accept that a car can drive itself and do all this other cool stuff, with Xena you accept... well, you get the idea.

For things that are not part of the basic premise of the show, it is fair game to nitpick them based on real life knowledge, provided that previous episodes have not established anything in the matter. That's why it's valid for Lisa to nitpick the cryptography in last week's Medium rerun based on her real-life knowledge of cryptography. Unless one of you can come up with something from a previous episode to render her nits moot.

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