Friday, January 22, 2010

Disappointing choice for Yoda, Carl is

I was very disappointed by the choice of Carl as Yoda in "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side," the Family Guy parody/homage to Empire Strikes Back. Even with the choice of many characters fixed by "Blue Harvest" (the parody/homage of A New Hope), there was still plenty of Family Guy characters left to choose from (contrary to what Seth MacFarlane says on the DVD commentary). Now, if the characters have to be fixed in relation to Chris as Luke, then Darth Vader should be Peter and not Stewie. Besides, some of the mappings were chosen in relation to Peter rather than Chris: Lois as Leia and the Giant Chicken as Boba Fett, rather than Meg as Leia and perhaps the Evil Monkey as Boba Fett. Heck, they even felt free to remap some characters, most notably Meg went from being the trash compactor monster to being the asteroid monster.

What do I have against Carl anyway? I can believe the character as a convenience store manager, but as a sage old Jedi master, the mapping is incongruous, but not enough to be funny.

Another time I will go over nits in this installment uncovered by the IMDb staff, and maybe some of my own.

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