Monday, October 27, 2008

The start: What this blog is about

This blog is about nitpicking movies and TV shows of fictional (or fictionalized) events, originally produced in English with the exception of Star Trek and its spin-offs (those are well enough covered by Phil Farrand's NitCentral). Preferably, we should nitpick recently aired TV episodes or recently released films, but those which have been released on DVD are fair game, too. I have a very small team right now but I hope to expand it in the future.

The ground rules: For stand-alone movies, only what is shown in the film is valid for nitpicking. For movies with sequels and prequels, anything in a prior movie is valid for nitpicking the movie under consideration. For TV series, the pilot episode establishes what is valid for nitpicking that show, so for that reason TV pilots should be cut a lot of slack (this rule is due to Farrand's books). And of course TV shows that are spin-offs of other TV shows may be nitpicked with material from those shows. Shows and movies which fictionalize events from the headlines (I'm looking at you, Law & Order) open the door to being nitpicked on for real life details pertaining to common knowledge, such as basic science and non-recent history.

Lastly, this is all for fun: if a nit requires too much work, such as freeze-framing, zooming in real close and applying a sophisticated imaging algorithm, then it's not worth it. We should never call for someone to be fired over a mistake in the story, no matter how thoroughly it destroys suspension of disbelief; we simply ask them to pay more attention in the future, while being grateful for providing us fodder for this activity.

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