Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Do you feel like a big man, Cult of Dusty?

Yesterday, YouTube star Cult of Dusty posted a video ripping Ahmed Mohammed to shreds. As in Ahmed Mohammed, the 14-year-old boy who brought a clock to school and set off a racist overreaction that made national news headlines. Do you feel like a big man, Cult of Dusty, beating up on a little boy? I am not impressed by a kid disassembling and reassembling a clock, either, but surely I have bigger people to beat up on than some little boy.

Yeah, yeah, I know, his main point is supposedly that liberals are just so damn gullible. Maybe Ahmed Mohammed wasn't actually trying to impress his teacher, maybe he was baiting them into overreacting in a racist, Islamaphobic way. Well, guess what, he succeeded! If liberals really are so damn gullible, surely there are ways to prove it that don't involve soiling a little boy's reputation to the max.

Children overstate their accomplishments all the time. One of my nephews, a 15-year-old boy, told me a few months ago that he is an officer in the United States Army. "Good for you," I replied. How was I supposed to reply to that? If I was Cult of Dusty, my response would have gone something like this: "No, you're not an officer in the United States Army. You're someone who has done well in a pretend military unit, which is not much of an accomplishment because most other people in that pretend military unit are fatsos and weaklings looking for a way out of gym class."

Of course my nephew is white, so he gets the benefit of the doubt on a lot of things. He could probably go to an elementary school openly carrying an automatic rifle and no one would think he's there to shoot up the place, like, you know, some other young white men have done in the past twenty years. But a young Arab boy brings a reassembled clock to school? Let's all rush to judgement and jump to the conclusion that he must be a terrorist.