Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More lies from the Bridge Company

There is yet another deceitful ad on the Detroit and Windsor airwaves from Matty Moroun's company railing against the "government bridge." Supposedly, the Michigan Legislature voted no, but Gov. Snyder is going to build the government bridge anyway and stick taxpayers with the bill, because tolls are not going to be enough to pay for it. What are they gonna say next? That Snyder is going to get in a time machine and kill George Washington and Jesus Christ?

Here is the truth about the Legislature vote: they didn't even get a chance to vote on it. The state senators that Moroun has bought and paid for stopped the issue from being voted on by the the full Legislature. There are just so many lies coming out of the Moroun camp that the 3-part series from the Detroit Free Press, "Detroit-Windsor bridge battle: Separating out the truth," doesn't debunk all of them! It would be a book longer than War and Peace if it did.

Let me close with a truth that many people aren't even aware of: The Ambassador Bridge is owned by Matty Moroun, a billionaire who refuses to fix up or tear down the infamous train station where white suburban thrill-seekers injure themselves trespassing (yeah, it's their fault for trespassing, but Moroun bears a lot of responsibility in that matter, too). One more truth not many people are aware of (because most tourists take the tunnel rather than the bridge to go to Windsor from Detroit): the Ambassador Bridge, one of the most traveled international crossings, is in serious need of repairs, and not just the bandages Scrooge Moroun allows every now and then.